Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mixing bowl meltdown

I really enjoy food, what's more is that I really enjoy making tasty food, or maybe just eating tasty food while basking in the pride of knowing, hey, I made this. I'm 26, and have never been inclined to culinary greatness, and always considered it beyond my own meager cake making from a box abilities, but as always a good cookbook, and a beautiful stand mixer, is enough to inspire anyone to greatness. So, this blog, in addition to my other brainfart of bloggedy goodness, is here to track both the successful creations, and the pitfalls, of learning to really, really cook.
I got married last November, and as all brides do, registered for a healthy amount of items for my slowly growing kitchen. My parents have always had the tradition of, once a daughter is married, gifting her with her very own kitchenaid stand mixer. Thanks Mom and Dad! These rather expensive pieces of culinary genius are the workhorse that novices like me, can gently present a carrot to and go for a trot around the pen. Another particular thing I requested, was a 3 piece set of Kitchenaid mixing bowls, in white, with a pour spout and handle thing, and a rubberized bottom to avoid slippage. They also had that great label, microwave and dishwasher safe. You have to understand a certain aspect of my personality. I break stuff. Not on purpose mind you, unless it was already broken and then I just tore it up to finish the job. So when I shop for things, I shop for things that seem to be, at least on the surface, Brittany Proof. Little did I know...
I read a great article about how melting chocolate in the microwave can be a lot faster and easier than melting it in a double boiler. So I tried it, and melted out the bottom of the smallest of my kitchenaid mixing bowls, not to mention made quite a mess of things in the microwave. I took them back to Kohls where they, less than graciously, allowed me to pick up a new set. Thinking maybe it had to do with the severity of chocolate melting, I salleyed forth unaware of the faulty product lurking in my cupboard. I tried my hand at making bread dough, and using the largest bowl from my dough to rise, placed it ever so gently in the oven. Unfortunately, when I decided to preheat the oven, I forgot it was in there. It's wasn't pretty. Not a total meltdown mind you, but it is permanently deformed. I wrote the kitchenaid service rep who told me an interesting tidbit about my mixing bowls. They are NOT microwave safe. They are dishwasher safe, but only for the top rack. I received a set of replacement bowls, now fully aware of the flaws, and mildly disappointed. Since my mixing bowl meltdown(s), I have further experimented, with some rather interesting commentary, that I certainly hope to be sharing with you.


Britt, the mostly fearless


  1. Oooo faulty advertising! Looking forward to reading these tasty misadventures. Will there be pictures?

  2. Of course there will be pictures! Otherwise I will have to type at least 1,000 words to describe it to you!
